Larger items may be rated in amps, not watts. Use the formula below to convert that item to watts. |
Watts = Amps x Volts |
Example; You have a window AC unit at your home that pulls 15 amps and its plugged into a 115 volt outlet. 115 x 15 = 1725 watts |
Use the calculator to the right to arrive at the wattage rating and place the total in line 1 above. |
House line voltage can vary from about 112 to 118 for normal outlets. We used 115 as an average and as long as you use the same number in all your comparisons, you will have a very close idea of the savings. |
*Some electric bills have different levels of KWh cost. Make sure you are using the correct cost for the time of day your item is used. |
How to use this calculator
- Input your items wattage in line 1
- Input the number of units being used in line 2
- Input the hours per day the item is used in line 3
- Input your cost per KWh from your latest electric bill in line 7
- Input the total cost of the replacement items (Sample 2 through 5) in line 12
- Input the number of years to see the total savings over the items life in line 14
- The calculator allows you to compare 4 optional items to your original item (sample 1)
- Sample 1 is where you should place your original item to compare new models to.
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